"The first time I visited Morocco in 2017 I fell in love with the country and have been back many times since," says Canon Ambassador Igor Demba. "Captured on the last day of a three-day destination wedding, this image in the Agafay Desert has been an important one in my career." Taken on a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV with a Canon EF 35mm f/1.4L II USM lens at 1/640 sec, f/1.6 and ISO 100. © Igor Demba
"I love wedding photography because I love working with people," says Igor Demba. "For most couples it's the best day of their lives, and I get the privilege of being part of it. At the same time, I love to travel and discover different locations and cultures, so being a destination wedding photographer is the perfect job for me."
Born in Portugal, Igor lived in several countries around Europe with his parents, who were missionaries, before eventually settling in the UK. He first began shooting images – mainly street pictures and portraits – while studying graphic design at university.